


[Post from February 7, 2019]

Today was a good day! I’m totally shocked and surprised to see some of the work today at JTech’19 at Jinnah University for Women!

Based on my personal experiences and the stories I hear from within my circle, I really don’t have many hopes from our traditional education system. I was invited as a judge, at the Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering at Jinnah University for Women to evaluate final year projects of their students. Man, I was up for a day full of surprises! The projects were an eye-opener for me about the caliber of the students! Surprises, surprises, and surprises! I was assigned 6 projects to evaluate;

  1. Smart City Surveillance
  2. E-Canteen WBS (Wallet Based System)
  3. SOUQ-UL-Tib
  4. Smart Table
  5. Chefoholic
  6. AR FrunView

All of the projects at the event were really good but 3 really impressed me at a whole new level, considering these coming from university grads as a final year project! My impression of FYPs is a library system, a hospital management system, a school management system, a food management system, etc. and this is what I was expecting nothing out of the blue!

Starting off the review with;

#1: E-Canteen WBS (Wallet Based System) – Supervised by Ms Kainat Siddiq

Imagine missing a snack during your class break just because the snack shop at your university was too crowded! That’s a bummer, right? Worry no more!

E-Canteen WBS is the system where customers order their food and receive food in the canteen without any delay as they can directly go and collect what they ordered without waiting for a turn or waiting time. Smart solution to a very common problem!

#2: SOUQ-UL-Tib – Supervised by Ms Tehreem Qamar

How many times we have forgotten to take our meds on time? How many times we need a med and our nearest pharmacy is out of stock for the same med? Happens quite often, right? SOUQ-UL-Tib is here to solve this problem! It’s an app that integrates online purchasing of medicine with your personalized medicine alarm! I can totally see the usefulness of the app as my mother forgets to take her meds every now and then and at times, I have to make a quick trip to the pharmacy to get her meds AFTER she is out of stock! The demo of the system (front end app & backend system) with their team members Rizwana Younus, Shaista Kanwal, Kiran Pervaiz & Sania Shoaib looks really promising! As for the feedback from my end, I suggested to explore the options to do collaboration with existing platforms such as Marham & Dvago to get the most of their system!

#3: AR FrunView – Supervised by Ms Sumaira

Ever wonder how that new chair you saw at the furniture store would look like in your study? You can’t just ask the shopkeeper to lend you the chair for a day for trial, or can you? Well, now you can check the products in real time with the help of AR (Augmented Reality)! From the team; AR Furnview an Augmented Reality based furniture house. A platform to make the buying pattern of the furniture system much easier by adding 3D functionality on it where the users who wanted to buy furniture item, they can buy without physically moving to a furniture house. The main motive of making this system is to show furniture items in 3D model in furniture app so that the user involves in real time environment buy their desired product and this app also give joy to their users by involving them in a real-world environment. This is also the best platform provided for the business also as different vendors came and invest their furniture for buying and selling purpose. The main motive of selecting augmented reality on this side is because we all want everything on our single click in less time but perfect so the augmented reality is the best choice because it gets the virtual objects in the real world. Rest of the projects that were judged by other respected judges were really amazing and creative – with some having a potential to be a proper startup from a local university, provided if they are mentored properly with access to latest industry tools. I wish all the students best of luck with their projects and future and I am really thankful to Ms Kanwal Zahoor, Lecturer, Internship Coordinator & Event Organizer, CS & SE Department at Jinnah University for Women for inviting me as a judge for this fabulous event! You can check out all the projects presented at the official website of Jinnah University for Women here.

Some Glimpse #staytune for More!

Posted by JTech on Friday, February 8, 2019
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